雅思命题人不知道为啥,特别喜欢在题目里加上important啦,special啦之类的限定词,很久之前,还考过an important letter,我们来看看吼,根据雅思命题换汤不换药的套路,是不是在当年的important letter内容里面,加入一些“互动”,就可以变成important conversation了呢!
The night before the first day of high school, I was so nervous, because I used to be shy and it usually took me a long time to adapt to the new environment. My mom gave me a “pep talk” several days before, but it didn’t work, I still felt uneasy.
Before I went to bed, I found an envelope addressed to me on my pillow. I was so curious and I opened it. I was surprised because it was from my mom.
These are the words that she wouldn’t say to my face. All those blessings and advice made my tears well up in my eyes.
She wrote, high school is a new start for me, from now on, I could be whoever I wish to be. I don’t have to be shy anymore, I need to open my heart and make as many friends as possible, because friends made in high school can be friends for life. And she said, don’t worry about my grades, it’s just one of the many ways to assess myself. The scores I get will tell me something, but they won’t tell me everything. The most important thing is to have fun and make the most of my time during the 3 years in high school. And if I can figure out what kind of person I want to be in the future and keep working for it, then these three years would be worth it.
It’s the first and only letter I’ve got in my entire life so far; it means the world to me. And honestly, I’m really proud that I have a mother like her.
I’d like to talk about the conversation I had with my mom before high school started. The night before the first day of high school, I was so nervous, because I used to be shy and it usually took me a long time to adapt to the new environment. My mom gave me a “pep talk” several days before, but it didn’t work, I still felt uneasy.
Usually my mom is not a talkative person who likes to lecture me, but that night, she came to my room, and had a long talk with me. Those are the words that she wouldn’t say to my face on other occasions. All those blessings and advice made my tears well up in my eyes.
I told her my anxieties and insecurities, and she said to me high school is a new start for me, from now on, I could be whoever I wish to be. I don’t have to be shy anymore, I need to open my heart and make as many friends as possible, because friends made in high school can be friends for life. And she said, don’t worry about my grades, it’s just one of the many ways to assess myself. The scores I get will tell me something, but they won’t tell me everything. The most important thing is to have fun and make the most of my time during the 3 years in high school. And if I can figure out what kind of person I want to be in the future and keep working for it, then these three years would be worth it.
That conversation gave me lots of courage and strength, and drove away my fears, which influenced my high school dramatically.
当然,如果光思考important conversation的素材,还可以有很多场合可以瞎编呀,比如跟校长或者班主任的谈话让浪子回头啦,再比如已经参加工作滴娃可以跟领导来场职业规划(a long talk with my boss about my career prospects)或者职场教育啦,还有高考填报志愿(apply to a university)的时候跟父母探讨人生啊之类的。