Reading story books is better for children than watching television or playing computer games. Do you agree or disagree. 读书比看电视和玩游对于孩子更有利好,是否同意?
【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
The contrivance of the television and the Internet has greatly diversified modern people’s cultural life,especially those children or teenagers. People differ greatly in their views as to whether or reading story books exerts a far more beneficial influence on those who are in the formative years compared with watching television or playing on-line games. My stand is that watching television and playing games is superior to reading story books.
The contrivance of the television and the Internet has greatly diversified modern people’s cultural life 电视和网络的发明极大地丰富了人们的精神生活。
Indeed,children can become the beneficiaries of reading story books. This debate reminds me of my little bother Paul. As a keen lover of reading, he is in the habit of reading extensively, he has already punished a number of stories through enthusiastic reading and constant writing practice. After all, first-class books are the summarization of excellent ideas and rich cultural deposits, so, I have to concede that reading excellent story books can stir one’s imagination, stimulate one’s creativity, strengthen one’s literacy and thus deepen one’s insight into life.
Reading excellent story books can stir one’s imagination, stimulate one’s creativity, strengthen none’s literacy and thus deepen one’s insight into life. 阅读优秀故事书籍,可以激发人的想象力和创造力,增强人的读写能力及对于生活的洞察。
Notwithstanding all that, we can never undervalue the benefits brought about playing games or watching television. First, instructive television programs could also enact the role of educator. To illustrate, many prevailing talk show or speech contest programs are full of inspiring information. The anchors of those programs are extremely agile and eloquent, hence, TV viewers’ view of life could be greatly enlarged. Also, properly playing on-line games, by occupying time so constructively, makes teenagers contented, with no time for boredom. Meanwhile, playing computer games help develop the players’ intelligence and teamwork spirit because many challenging team games need strategy and cooperation.
1. Anchors of those programs are extremely agile and eloquent. 这些节目主持人思维敏锐、口才俱佳。
2. Properly playing on-line games, by occupying time so constructively, makes teenagers contented, with no time for boredom. 适度游戏,通过有建设性地利用了时间,使人心满意足,再也没有无聊之感。
In closing, it is a hasty decision to simply conclude that reading can benefit youngsters more in comparison with playing games or watching television.
1. relax one’s mood v放松心情
1. brighten one’s spirit v愉悦精神
2. relax one’s body and ease one’s mind v放松身心
3. have a broader view of life v 开阔视野
4. enlarge one’s view of life v开阔视野
5. enlarge one’s knowledge scope v拓宽知识面
6. add spice to one’s life v增加人生的乐趣
7. ease the intense pressure caused by tight academic timetable v缓解学习压力
8. deepen one’s insight into oneself and life v加深对于生活的洞察
9. stimulate one’s vivid imagination v激发想象力
10. cultivate one’s speech-craft v培养口才
11. To open a book is always beneficial 开卷有益
12. enact the role of educator v扮演教育者的角色
13. Lecture Room 百家讲坛
14. social elite or famous professor n社会精英及知名学者
15. The major benefit is that television can meet one’s curiosity by providing a variety of informative programs. 电视最大的好处是可以通过提供各种咨询丰富的节目来满足我们的好奇心。
16. talk show and speech contest n脱口秀及演讲比赛
17. exert a subtle influence on the TV viewers v对于电视观众有潜移默化的影响
18. develop one’s language skills v发展语言技能
19. cultivate one’s creative and independent thinking v培养人的创造性和独立性思维
20. articulate and resourceful adj有口才的及足智多谋的
薛鹏,新东方网专栏作家,吉林大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士。17年英语教学经验 (7年新东方雅思托福SAT教学经历),前长春新东方功勋教师,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员(雅思写作8.0分,托福写作29分)。