在雅思口语Part 2的题目下面,会给出大家4个cue,让考生可以从这些点出发,引申自己的答案。Part 2考查大家用英文阐述故事或描写的能力,有的时候被问到的话题可能是考生不熟悉的或者干脆没有经历过的,所以此时,编故事的能力是大家的必备技能。
对于cue card上面的提示,一般来讲不推荐大家完全按顺序逐一回答,因为这样Part 2就变成了回答四个问题,跟Part 1没有太大的区别了。而且故事之间会缺少连续性,显得很生硬。不过如果考生实在是不知道说什么或者想play it safe,那么按照顺序回答问题也是一条出路。
这里给大家介绍一个方法能让Part 2的答案尽量丰富,它适用于一些“making list”的话题。这里解释一下什么叫“making list”的话题:在Part 1中,我们会涉及到一系列的topic,例如shopping,movies,music,fruits and vegetables,sleep,sports等等。这些话题的每个小问题不会要求大家给出特别长的答案,一般20秒到30秒即可,对大部分考生来讲,并没有太大的难度。所以,在应对Part 2的某些题目的时候,可以把Part 1的话题罗列起来,像是在列单子,整合成答案。这样,Part 2答案的长度就满足要求了。
我们举个具体的例子:a family member you spend most time with.
对于这道题,那位亲人是谁其实不重要,而是要讲述一下为啥跟Ta在一起呆的时间最久,然后在一起做什么。原因最好说的,就是下面这两种:1. 其他亲人不在身边,比如daddy总是要go on business trips, so he’s barely around 2. 志同道合能玩儿到一块儿去!
下面Part 1大拼凑开始了!对于在一起做什么,你会说什么就做什么呗!Part 1中有一票儿话题都是对应的hobby和free time activity,随便挑两个就好了。比如shopping,可以写Ta经常陪你逛街,dress you up like a prince;也可以写you have similar taste in music,Ta经常带你逛CD store或者去看演唱会;或者写你们喜欢同类型的电影,吃饭的口味相同,甚至教你做饭。总之,Part 1有关业余活动的话题都可以搬过来。
We are both into cooking, doing sports and travelling.
Every time we go to the supermarket, we would go straight to the kitchenware section, you know, the delicate bowls and plates are our favorite. And I like to hang out in the street market with her after school to buy fresh ingredients like vegetables and all kinds of meat. Our only difference is the way we cook. She only cares about the flavor, but I focus more on the nutrition.
And about sports, we are crazy about table tennis. Every weekend, she would take me to some local matches. And whenever there’s a match on TV, we would definitely watch it, no matter how late it is. To be honest, we are not good at playing table tennis; we just like to watch it.
And during summer and winter vacation, traveling is our favorite pastime. We both find it a perfect way to refresh our mind.
大家肯定还有更多好玩儿的活动,跟各自的family member玩儿起来吧!
类似的making list话题还有a street you like to visit,该题就是把你喜欢的public facility列举一遍,例如shopping mall,movie theater,restaurant and café,video arcade等等。还有an article about health,就是列举健康小贴士;还有one day off话题,如果放一天假,打算做什么,那其中的一个答题方法就是把平常的weekend activity叨咕一遍嘛!
所以大家看,不要觉得Part 2的难度要比Part 1上升了一大截,很多时候,就是Part 1的打包升级版!