US News发布2021版世界大学排名,包含来自全球86个国家和地区的1500所高校。
Top20中有15所来自美国,4所来自英国,1所来自加拿大。Top100中共有 45所学校来自美国,11所学校来自英国,8所来自澳大利亚,3所来自加拿大,3所来自中国大陆。
US News世界大学排名依据13项指标:
Ranking indicator | 占比 Weight |
Global research reputation 国际研究声誉 | 12.5% |
Regional research reputation 地区研究声誉 | 12.5% |
Publications 论文发表数量 | 10% |
Books 书籍出版数量 | 2.5% |
Conferences 学术会议 | 2.5% |
Normalized citation impact 标准化论文引用影响指数 | 10% |
Total citations 总体被引用次数 | 7.5% |
Number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited 被引用高频文献数量(在引用最多文献的前10%) |
12.5% |
Percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited 被引用总体文献百分比(在引用总体文献的前10%) |
10% |
International collaboration 国际合作 | 5% |
Percentage of total publications with international collaboration 被引用文献数量(国际合作) |
5% |
Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited in their respective field 被引用文献数量(在各自领域被引次数最多的前1%) |
5% |
Percentage of total publications that are among the top 1 percent most highly cited papers |
5% |
以下为US News英国排名: