美国从1999年开始将每年10月的第一个周五定为世界微笑日(World Smile Day),希望在这一天人们不仅面带微笑,更要用真挚善良去对待周围的人。
World Smile Day is a day when people are encouraged to not only put a smile on the faces of their fellow man, but also to treat them to acts of kindness. This day is celebrated on the first Friday in October and has been officially celebrated since 1999. Today, not only do millions of people participate by putting smiles on the faces of their fellow human beings on this day, but there are also many events held all over the United States and the world to celebrate this day.
世界微笑日要追溯到1963年的马萨诸塞州。广告艺术家Harvey Ball创造了笑脸形象(smiley face),并迅速获得了巨大成功,在全球范围内获得了极高的反响。甚至美国电影《阿甘正传》中也戏说了这段历史:当时正在奔跑着横跨美洲的阿甘接受了路人递过来的T恤擦汗,布满粉尘的脸就此印在了白色的T恤上,并给路人带来了启发,自此创造出世界闻名的笑脸形象。
但由于笑脸形象在商业上的巨大成功,其设计者Harvey Ball担心人们忽视笑脸背后的含义,并因此创建了世界微笑日。