北京时间5月30日上午八点,CGTN主持人刘欣与美国福克斯商业电视台主持人Trish Regan在其节目Trish Regan Primetime中进行了直播辩论。
Trish提出了有关中国窃取美国知识产权的问题,并列举了一系列此前发生的事件(China IP theft examples).Trish表示大量的事例都表示中国在大量窃取美国的知识产权,价值高达上千亿美元。因此,存在这些知识产权被窃取的风险,美国企业如何与中国展开贸易?
Trish: There are evidences that China has stolen an enormous amount of intellectual property, hundreds of billions dollars worth. How do American businesses operate in China,if there is risk having their properties, their ideas, their hard work stolen?
Liu Xin: There is consensus among Chinese people that no country or individual can protect itself without intellectual property protection. Isolated cases do not mean that America is stealing or Chinese people are stealing.
而事实上,窃取知识产权的问题在世界各地都存在。美国国内也存在公司之间因知识产权问题互相起诉的事件(There are companies in US who sue each other all the time over infringement on IP right)。你不能因为一些公司或个人的行为,而说“美国在窃取”(America is stealing)或“中国在窃取”(China is stealing)“中国人在窃取”(Chinese people is stealing)。刘欣补充说,这些言论没有任何帮助。
[精彩直击:刘欣与Trish Regan辩论完整内容]
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